Who is Most Susceptible to Knee Pain? Understanding the Groups of People Most
Affected by this Issue

Knee pain can affect people of all ages and activity levels, but certain groups may be more susceptible to this condition. Some of the groups that are more likely to experience knee pain include:

  • Athletes and sports enthusiasts who engage in high-impact activities

  • Older adults who may experience age-related degeneration of the knee joint

  • For people who are overweight or obese, excess weight can place added strain on the knee joint

  • Individuals with a family history of knee problems

  • Women who may experience knee pain due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause

While laser therapy for knee pain Chantilly can help manage knee pain in these groups of people, it is essential to address the underlying causes of knee pain to prevent it from becoming a chronic condition. This may involve lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, engaging in low-impact activities, or seeking medical attention to manage underlying conditions such as arthritis or tendonitis.