Who's at Risk? Understanding the Individuals Prone to Elbow Pain

While anyone can develop elbow pain, certain factors may increase your risk of experiencing discomfort in your elbow. These include:

  • Age: Elbow pain is more common in older adults due to joint wear and tear over time.

  • Occupation: People who perform repetitive motions with their arms, such as athletes, manual laborers, and musicians, are at a higher risk of developing elbow pain.

  • Sports participation: Activities such as tennis, golf, and baseball can put a lot of stress on the elbow joint and increase the likelihood of injury.

  • Genetics: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to developing certain conditions that cause elbow pain, such as arthritis.

  • Poor posture: Slouching or hunching over a desk can lead to poor alignment of the shoulder and elbow joints, causing pain over time.

 Suppose you fall into any of these categories. In that case, paying close attention to any signs of elbow pain and seeking prompt medical attention, including laser therapy for elbow pain Chantilly, if necessary, is essential.